JFWM Senior Luncheon: “COVID-19: Vaccines, and Can I Hug My Grandchildren?” on Wednesday, March 17, 2021, 12:30-1:30pm
Co-Sponsored by Congregation B’nai Israel and Women’s Philanthropy of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts
Co-hosted by Women’s Philanthropy Co-Chair Henny Lewin and Development Officer Nora Gorenstein. Questions? Email us any time at ngorenstein@jewishwesternmass.org!
Join seniors from across the Pioneer Valley for this virtual Zoom luncheon, with an optional kosher Israeli salad lunch delivered to your home (in Hampshire, Franklin, and Hampden counties only). Our guest speaker will be Dr. Joanne Levin, Medical Director of Infection Prevention at Cooley Dickinson Hospital and Chair of the Board of Health in Northampton. All are welcome to attend; there is no age or membership requirement!
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Levin has been at the forefront of Cooley Dickinson’s coronavirus response, serving as a part of the organization’s incident management team and liaison to the medical staff both at Cooley Dickinson Hospital and to the community of affiliated providers. She and a small team of infectious diseases providers and infection prevention nurses have helped to lead the institution in decisions around and management of testing and treatment, as well as isolation and quarantine, personal protective equipment and employee safety. She has partnered with the of the Northampton Board of Health and others to provide testing to at-risk populations, and disseminate information regarding COVID vaccine availability and safety.
Dr. Levin and her husband Dr. John Joelson are long-term members of Congregation B’nai Israel, and each has volunteered in a variety of roles at CBI and Lander Grinspoon Academy. Dr. Levin is currently the chair of the CBI COVID-19 Task Force.