Yom Kippur has always been one of my favorite days of the year: it may sound strange, but even with its serious content (and fasting) the day has such a beautiful feeling of opportunity. We see many friends, neighbors, and members of our community who we don’t see every day, and there is no rush to get anywhere else. There is time to talk, and time to listen, and a genuine desire to be kind and purposeful in our communication. This, to me, is one of the best times to connect with each other, when we are in the mindset of forgiveness for ourselves and for others and are excited about beginning the new year with a clean slate. In jigsaw puzzle terms, we have opened a new box and are starting to put together the pieces.

In the past week (Week 10 for me), I have been immersed in the 2019 Annual Campaign, new initiatives for engaging young adults ages 20-40, and a brand new giving society for women’s philanthropy. Back to the puzzle metaphor, these are some of the border pieces that define the shape of the year to come.
If you see me around town, or at services at several of our area synagogues, please take a moment to say hello, introduce yourself, or give a wave! I would love to hear your feedback and share an update with you, so please do reach out. I look forward to connecting with you as we share impact highlights from the Federation, solicit testimonials and feedback, and hear your stories. Where does your piece go in this puzzle? You fit right here.
G’mar Chatimah Tovah: may you be sealed for a good year in the Book of Life!
Nora Gorenstein
Development Officer