This month, now in Year 2 of my time as the development officer of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts, I’ve been reflecting on the many ways our community has changed, stepped up, and grown over the past 12 months.
We have seen the start of the 2020 Annual Campaign; NextGen providing virtual and at-home programs for young adults ages 20-40; the creation of our very successful Women’s Philanthropy Virtual Coffee Hour series; and the growth of our Women’s Philanthropy Jewel Society, which began in 2019 and offers new opportunities for women donors of $180-364 to join together for engaging at-home/virtual programs and volunteer opportunities.
Please continue to reach out and share your ideas, input, and questions. I look forward to connecting with you as we share impact highlights from the Federation, solicit testimonials and feedback, and hear your stories.
L’shana Tovah, wishing you a sweet new year!
Nora Gorenstein
Development Officer