Dear Friend,
As we look forward to Shavuot, which celebrates receiving the Torah, I hope you will keep in mind the many ways that each of us can carry on the legacies of those who came before us.
We have just a few days remaining before the end of May, and you can DOUBLE your impact now by donating through B Generous! Just click here to make your gift and it will be MATCHED; together, we can increase our impact here in Western Massachusetts to sustain essential services, Jewish education, cultural events, and more, while also supporting Jews in need all over the world.
Next week, join Jewish Federations on Tuesday, May 30 at 1 pm ET for an open, interactive conversation about investing in LGBTQ+ Jews and their loved ones’ mental health and wellbeing in Jewish spaces. Jewish communal professionals and lay leaders will come away with a deeper understanding of the mental health issues and needs of the LGBTQ+ Jewish community. LGBTQ Jews, their loved ones, and professionals who serve them will gain knowledge of resources available to them and feel empowered to engage with those resources. Register here.
I hope you will join us at 2pm on Sunday, June 4 for a special LIVE reading of original works from The Braid’s emerging artists, performed by professional actors. For information about more upcoming events and opportunities, check out our Community Calendar!
Chag sameach and Shabbat shalom,