From the desk of Stewart Bromberg
Dear Friends,

We join the Jewish
Community Relations Council of Boston and applaud Governor Charlie Baker for
proposing $1,000,000 in additional funds for state Non-Profit Security Grant
program in his latest supplemental budget filing. In 2018 the budget had been
increased to $100,000 to help support organizations beyond the greater Boston
area. Certainly, an improvement, but not nearly enough in today’s world.
“This new proposal, along with the $500,000 included in the recently signed
state budget, would fund close to 30 grants for vital security enhancements and
protocols at houses of worship, community centers, and other institutions at
heightened risk of violence.”
As CEO of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts, I joined approximately 150 Jewish institutional leaders from
across the Commonwealth who signed a letter of support asking Governor Baker
and state leaders for increased funding for this security initiative.
“We thank Governor Baker and his Administration for unequivocally
endorsing the right for all people to gather in safety,” said Aaron
Agulnek, Director of Government Affairs for the Jewish Community Relations
Council of Greater Boston. “Fear and violence have no place in our
communal spaces and these additional funds will help restore a feeling of
peace. However, while this is a strong step towards that goal, we urge our
allies to combat the motivation for these acts of hatred. Education and mutual
respect, not fortification, remains our ultimate hope.”
As we continue to prioritize security and education in our community, the funds
recommendation will go far to help us with implementation of many programs to
protect our way of life. I urge us all to reach out to our Senators and
Representatives and ask them to support and pass this budget proposal.
Shabbat shalom,
Stew Bromberg, CEO