Dear Friend,
This week’s Torah portion, Vayishlach, focuses on family relationships and the pivotal moments in time that change the course of our lives (and sometimes our names).
As 2021 draws to a close, like Jacob in the Torah portion we too are wrestling, not with angels but with competing priorities and concerns. This Shabbat, I hope we can all take a moment to reflect and set aside our struggles for a moment and remember why we are here together as a community.
Kol Yisrael arevim zeh la-zeh: We are responsible for one another. How do we live by this value? In our community and in our Federation, we know that our Jewish community includes not only the individuals and families that identify as Jewish, but the interfaith partners, secular and cultural Jews, friends and allies, and all of the people and organizations that make up the diverse fabric of our Western Massachusetts network and our national, Israeli, and global families. We are united by our commitment to care for one another and to think beyond ourselves and our households.
Whether you can give a financial donation or pledge, share your time as a volunteer, or simply make time to chat with us and share your input, you can help our community move forward and grow stronger. When you give to the Federation, you are here for good for our community and our world.
Send a quick email to tell us how you will give!

Today’s video from our Community Partner Highlights Series features Rabbi Noach Kosofsky on behalf of local Jewish day school and community hub Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy, one of our local partners receiving allocations from our Annual Campaign. This video series will continue to introduce the partners we support through the Annual Campaign, grants, and other community resources and programs. Is there a particular community agency you’d like to see us highlight next? Let us know!
If you are interested in getting involved or sharing your input, please reach out at any time.
Shabbat Shalom,