Established in 1972, the Jewish Endowment Foundation (JEF) is the planned giving division of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts. Through JEF, donors established the Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Funds to provide an ongoing annual income stream to Federation.
JEF’s role has expanded over the years to provide funds for local Jewish organizations in our region. JEF also provides funding for scholarships, Israel Study & Travel, Jewish education, professional development, missions, social justice, Holocaust education, and Israel. Its Unrestricted Funds support JEF’s operations and provide grants for various purposes to local organizations through a grants process.
For more information about the Jewish Endowment Foundation, contact Interim Executive Director, Chief Philanthropy Officer, Director of the Jewish Endowment Foundation Adam Solender.
Anna P. Housen Fund for Israel
Create a Jewish Legacy Program
Did you know?
- JEF Unrestricted Funds provide grants to local organizations for new programs and those at risk, as well as other community needs.
- Federation’s Annual Campaign begins each year with over $100,000 from (PACE).
- JEF makes over $1 million in grants annually to local Jewish organizations and nonprofit organizations in the United States.
None of this could happen without the donors who planned ahead and established funds at JEF! They invested in what they believe in, and YOU CAN TOO!