The Jewish Endowment Foundation


Established in 1972, the Jewish Endowment Foundation (JEF) is the planned giving division of the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts. Through JEF, donors established the Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowment (PACE) Funds to provide an ongoing annual income stream to Federation.

JEF’s role has expanded over the years to provide funds for local Jewish organizations in our region. JEF also provides funding for scholarships, Israel Study & Travel, Jewish education, professional development, missions, social justice, Holocaust education, and Israel. Its Unrestricted Funds support JEF’s operations and provide grants for various purposes to local organizations through a grants process.

For more information about the Jewish Endowment Foundation, contact Interim Executive Director, Chief Philanthropy Officer, Director of the Jewish Endowment Foundation Adam Solender.

Anna P. Housen Fund for Israel

Provides grants that support programs for children at risk in Israel and those that promote a peaceful coexistence. It is also the primary funding source for the Anna P. Housen Israel Desk through which the Israel Emissary Program operates.

Create a Jewish Legacy Program

Since 2008, the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and JEF have partnered on this educational, legacy giving program. For agencies and synagogues it provides legacy gift training, tracking and stewarding. For donors, it provides assistance in creating legacy gifts.

Did you know?

None of this could happen without the donors who planned ahead and established funds at JEF! They invested in what they believe in, and YOU CAN TOO!

Types of Funds

Unrestricted Funds
Gifts to the Unrestricted Fund give JEF the flexibility to make grants to local Jewish organizations through a grants process, or in response to emergency needs. These funds are critical to the ongoing health of our Jewish community.
Designated Funds
Whether you want to establish a fund that is dedicated to a specific organization, or for something as broad as leadership development, Israel study or travel, or Jewish education, we can help you come up with a plan that meets your philanthropic needs.
Donor Advised Funds
Do you have appreciated stock, or are expecting to sell a business or real estate? Do you want to make a contribution, but you’re not sure where? A donor advised fund could be the answer. You are eligible for a tax deduction when you make a contribution to the fund, and you can make recommendations on those charities that will receive distributions from the fund when you’re ready.
Perpetual Annual Campaign Endowments
Federation relies upon Annual Campaign contributions to provide money for the local Jewish community as well as programs in Israel and 70 countries around the world. We currently have 28 PACE Funds generating $100,000 to the Annual Campaign each year from donors who planned ahead. You can start a PACE Fund with $5,000 or join one of our endowed giving societies. You don’t even have to fund it during your lifetime! We can work with you to figure out what giving vehicle will work best for you.
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