Dear Friends,
“To be Jewish is to give,” as Rabbi Jonathan Sacks writes about this week’s Torah portion Pekudei.
As we watch news coverage of Ukraine and see images and heartfelt messages from across the world, we could despair at our inability to do more and the privilege that keeps us safe in our homes while others suffer.
Instead, we have hope because we take action to help in this crisis. We have the obligation and the honor of caring for one another.
"May You tear out autocracy, tyranny and despotism, ruin those who cheat and deceive, and break those who oppress the vulnerable. Make the reign of the arrogant disappear from all lands. May those who attack democracies everywhere stumble and fail, and may their plans be as nought. Stop them, humble them, bring on their downfall, soon, in our days." from "Prayer Against Tyranny," by R. David Seidenberg,
To join in this global effort, you can donate through JFNA by clicking here, or contribute through a Donor Advised Fund at our Jewish Endowment Foundation.

I hope that you and your loved ones are well and have all you need.
To share your thoughts or learn more about our Federation work, please reach out at any time!
Shabbat shalom,