3/18/22: Shabbat Shalom From Interim Executive Director Nora Gorenstein

Deb Krivoy, Springfield Jewish Community Center

Dear Friends,

In just a few hours, nearly 100 members of our local Jewish community will gather with the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts (JFWM) at Congregation B’nai Torah to celebrate Shabbat and demonstrate solidarity with the people of Ukraine. Thank you to the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, Congregation B’nai Torah, Sinai Temple, and Temple Beth El for supporting tonight’s dinner benefit!

The dinner has raised close to $2,500 in direct support for Ukraine, in addition to an estimated $50,000 in donations from our local Jewish community through Jewish Federations of North America to aid the Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and World ORT in emergency relief efforts in Ukraine. We are proud to be part of JFNA’s network participating in the Ukraine Emergency Campaign, which has raised more than $28.5 million at last count.

Next Tues., March 22, 5:30-6:30pm, JFWM will rally in support of Ukraine together with the Springfield JCC, Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy, the Jewish Community of Amherst, Sinai Temple, Jewish Family Service of Western MA, Temple Beth El, Congregation B’nai Torah, Beit Ahavah, and Lander-Grinspoon Academy. In the video above, we highlight the JCC’s Chief Operating Officer Deb Krivoy, sharing about Tuesday’s rally.

We were built for this! Join us today in saving lives around the world.

Jewish Federations have been in Ukraine for decades, caring for the most vulnerable of our extended Jewish family and rebuilding a vibrant Jewish community where it had been all but decimated by 70 years of Communist rule. It is the power of our Annual Campaign that enables this work to take place year after year in cities and towns all across the Former Soviet Union.

Right now, as a result of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the needs are extraordinary. Life has been completely disrupted across the country with hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the fighting, and food and water in short supply in many areas.

To join in the global relief effort, you can also donate through JFNA by clicking here, or contribute through a Donor Advised Fund at our Jewish Endowment Foundation.

To share your thoughts or learn more about our Federation work, please reach out at any time!

Shabbat shalom,

Nora Gorenstein
Interim Executive Director