Dear Friends,
As the Ukraine emergency continues to unfold, we are proud to announce that the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts and our network of partner communities through Jewish Federations of North America have surpassed our initial $20 million goal, raising and allocating an astonishing $24.5 million in just two weeks to help secure the Jewish community of Ukraine and others facing wartime difficulties.
Our local community has responded to this emergency by working together to raise funds and awareness in Western Massachusetts. Next Shabbat, I hope you will join us for a Community Shabbat Dinner Benefit for Ukraine, hosted by Congregation B’nai Torah and featuring beef and vegetarian meal options, with all proceeds going 100% to our emergency relief efforts in Ukraine. This dinner is funded by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation through a Rekindle Shabbat grant.
We were built for this! Join us today in saving lives around the world.

To join in this global effort, you can also donate through JFNA by clicking here, or contribute through a Donor Advised Fund at our Jewish Endowment Foundation.

To share your thoughts or learn more about our Federation work, please reach out at any time!
Shabbat shalom,