PJ Library Western Massachusetts: Helping Families Raise Jewish Children

Starting November 1, the Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts (Federation) is no longer responsible for the fundraising or administration of the PJ Library program in Western Massachusetts. The PJ Library program is being implemented locally by the Springfield Jewish Community Center (Springfield JCC). You can see the new website by clicking here!

This shift in the management of PJ Library locally will allow the Federation to focus on its core mission to serve our entire Jewish community, support those in need, convene and collaborate with other organizations, and strengthen our Jewish community’s relationship with other minority communities. The Federation is grateful for the experience of partnering with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to implement its now-international PJ Library program here in our community, where it began. We will continue to collaborate with the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and our local partners in new ways that will further support families raising Jewish children and expand to engage all demographics in our community.

PJ Library is an international program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.